Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Getting Called A Hillbilly - I've been called worse!

Ok, I don't know about you............. but, I found this absolutely hysterical. I'll try to relay this story the
best I can......

Most of you know that I moved out into the country, and I love it here. I thought I could get away from the city,
and the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles, and just be sovereign and peaceful. So, I am on 8 acres of land on
this hill out in the middle of nowhere.......... basically.

There are 7 other people that live on my hill, and all of us have 8 to 10 acre plots of land, so, the neighbors are
there, but, they aren't too close. I have what is considered a private road going through my property, but,
the neighbors need to use the road in order to get up to their properties. So, there is a little matter of
road maintenance, which, I am perfectly fine with taking care of, but, there are conflicting 'laws' that the
neighbors have been informing me of.

So, I simply decided to go down to the city hall and ask these burning questions for myself. Being that I live in
a very small town, I can actually walk into city hall and talk to the city planner, commissioner.......... I basically
have access to what ever town official I need to speak to. Hey! Maybe I'll run for mayor........... but, that's a
different topic. :)

So, just to set the setting a bit for you, my hair is up in a bun, and I have a baseball cap on. I'm wearing my
grungiest sweatpants and sweatshirt, and I have an old pair of work boots on. In order for me to do any work in my yard
(which is infested with spiders...... YUCK!), I cover up big time. I wear big boots even if it's warm out. I
don't want any of those spiders on me. It's the one thing I have a bit of a fear of. I'll walk on fire, but, dammit,
don't get a spider near me!! So, anyway, I'm pretty damn grungy walking in to city hall.

I explain to the guy that I'm new to the area, and I need to know some of the laws regarding neighbors and private
roads. I tell him where I am living and he responds to me, "Yeah, I know the area, you are living with a bunch
of hillibillies". I was cracking up inside. This guy has no idea who I am. (Wait till he finds out!! I'm sure
hillbillies will be the least of his worries.) I got this funny smirk on my face as he continued to tell me
about the people that live in the country. And now, I've met my neighbors, they aren't exactly hillbillies. Some
of them are doctors, some are realtors......... I wouldn't consider them backwards or hillbilly. This just
tickled me to death. I started imagining him in womens underwear. I was pretty sure he was wearing some purple
or pink panties as he was telling me that I was a hillbilly. He very possibly might have even been wearing a
lacey camisol as well.

Anyways, I thought you guys might get a kick out of this one. I know I did. I still giggle to myself about it
as I'm cruising about town.


A Place For Me To Vent said...

Jacklyn Lick a True hillbilly

Oh she is a hillbilly for sure! Not just that, let me tell you about the Jacklyn I know! LOL. So here is how we became great friends.

One day I am at this convention in Las Vegas, I am sure you have probably heard about it AVN Adult Convention! Yes a yearly congregation of “Adult Industry” people getting together to sell products and talk shit basically! So I am there, why am I there, well to sell products and talk shit just like everyone else. So some very dear friends of mine are nice enough to offer me a little space in there booth. So I go to the convention, which really I only want to go a gamble and drink, don’t really want to work. Anyway that’s a whole different story. So I am in the booth and I meet this girl Jacklyn Lick, who at first impression is a little stand offish. But okay I can relate cuz I am thinking the same thing she is thinking who the hell is this person and what do they really want! Funny now! Anyway we don’t really hit it off to well at the show; we talk and are nice enough but don’t really know each other. So one day down the road some people who know me – NOT FRIENDS – are going to make a movie and ask for my help as I know people in the industry. So I tell these people if they want to do things right do it better! So I call Jacklyn and ask if she would be interested. She says sure and I actually got her a great deal! Your welcome Jackie! So we start to talk and find out we have some stuff in common, as most friendships progress so did ours.

We started to hang out a little bit and then I started to get to know the REAL Jacklyn! She is a crake up. She’s funny, great to hang out with and a really smart woman. So one day Jacklyn, who LOOKS NOTHING LIKE HER PICTURES, tells me what she did for the day. Okay so here is this “Porn Star” she is at the gas station pumping her gas and like a tard she forgets to remove the pump from her car and rips it right off the pump! Can you just picture this 4 foot 11, that’s right she will argue she is 5 foot but she is full of shit, little package ripping the pump off at the station I laughed my ass off and told her if the guy only knew what you really did!

Oh it gets better because now I know who she really is, just like you and me! She asks me to go to some dance performance in Temecula with her, where the heck is Temecula, so far away it takes us 2 hours to get there. We had a blast, tons of people lined up to see her and get her autograph. I was like wow this is fun and cool. We had a body guard and our own room! During this evening she explains to people that I am her partner. Well I am and was but that’s because we decided that women need movies with hot guys! That’s a whole different story as well. And funny! But what we don’t realize is that while she is saying this is my partner meaning business partner everyone is thinking I am her partner like in life partner! To funny. We just went with it. We still laugh about it now.

Anyway Jacklyn Lick is one of my best friends; she is a fantastic person and a regular person just like you and me! Ask Jacklyn to tell you how we got into business together, and why! Pretty damn funny story!

Lots of Love


PS She really is only 4 foot 11 or maybe even 4 foot nothing, she lies and wears heels!!!! LOL

Kenneth said...

LOL. I get called a hillbilly at times. :)